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From the Artist

April 6th, 2004
The Matrix Rebooted
by Dave Brasgalla

These icons are an Aqua extension of ideas I played with in my Matrix Documentations set. There were several things in the Matrix universe I was very interested in trying to make icons of, and after a while it became obvious that I had almost enough material to make up an entire CandyBar replacement set. I decided to go for it and try to finish it by the release of the Revolutions DVD, which is perhaps the last instance of the Matrix being any kind of a current event. There's quite a few icons in here and I am pleased with the way they turned out.

Naturally, when one makes a system replacement set, there are many icons you must do simply to address all the parts of the system, whether you want to or not. The case in point here is certain of the removable media icons. Things like the floppy disk icon are pretty archaic at this point, and I never see these icons show up anywhere. Even when I use a SmartMedia card or Compact Flash card, they show up on my desktop as the "Removable Volume" icon. Consequently, I couldn't muster up the enthusiasm to recreate these icons. The ones in this set (along with the Eject icon) are simply re-shades and re-colors. I wanted to spend my time on the other, more interesting icons!

Also, it should be noted that certain processed photographic elements have obviously been incorporated into the icons where I felt it was appropriate. I've tried to keep these instances tightly integrated with the overall look. Everything else is made from scratch, using a variety of applications.

Lastly, I've included many icons that can be used as alternates to the ones tagged for CandyBar, according to your own tastes. One or two icons have "hidden" Open/Drop states, so play around, mix and match and have fun!


- Dave

Legality These icons and the images represented by these icons are copyright ©2004 The Iconfactory. The Matrix is copyright ©2004 Warner Bros.. The icons contained in this set are intended for personal desktop use ONLY. They may not be disassembled, reverse-engineered or otherwise modified, in part or in whole except for personal desktop use. This includes conversion into other graphic formats such as JPEG, PNG, etc.. These icons MAY NOT BE REDISTRIBUTED, SOLD OR EXCHANGED FOR ANY GOODS OR SERVICES WHATSOEVER. In addition, the read-me file must accompany the set at all times. By downloading this file you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use.

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