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Aqabat-Jaber, Passing through by Paul Sherman (Boston Herald)


Palestinian film series are a rare occurrence, but this weekend two will be duelling for local moviegoers. It's an unlikely end to one of the more absurd incidents in local movie history.
One series is the Space Gallery's "Uprising: Videotapes on the Palestinian Resistance," the same series that was to play at the Institute of Contemporary Art in early May. But a tussle between the ICA and the series' curators over the ICA's plans for a panel discussion between Palestinian and Jews killed the series 24 hours before it was to start.
But "Uprising" _a passionate yet rather dry series filled.
The feature documentary "Aqabat Jaber" (ICA, tomorrow) is a definite highlight. It's a sad and troubling look at a decrepit West Bank refugee camp where Palestinians, many displaced landowners living in exile, talk about their lives and their hopes of remaining their land. For many of these refugees, some there since 1948, the land is a symbol of lost culture and lost self-respect.